Ulla Riskari-Ryynänen

Short work career:

At the age of 15, into working life. In addition to school, since then I have worked in various service professions, from store cashier to ski resort worker. Also spent one summer in the production of a furniture factory.

Along with my studies at Tradenom, I worked in the marketing and sales of big consumer brands (Paulig, Henkel) in my early career. After that, to the one-woman marketing department of a B2B import company, from where eventually to the other side of the table to Alma’s B2B marketing services expert unit and finally to establish her own marketing communication agency.

I am one of the founders of Kuuki, director of our Marketing content and campaign team, and strategic support from our partners. In addition to this, I accept Kuuki about own marketing communications, training services and business development
as part of the management team. I have been an entrepreneur since October 2017.

Company portfolio:

Position of Trust;
OP Päijät-Häme Administrative Council member
Member of the board of several companies and CEO of one

Superpower as a mentor: 
Enthusiasm and excitement