Encounter is an open and free event for all interested in start-up businesses and business development generally.
8.45 Doors open, coffee served
9.00 Keynote & Workshop: IDEATION
Mikko Kittelä is Starthub event manager and serial entrepreneur. He is bursting with ideas and is eager to pursue them! The background is in event management, real estate business, and in well-being. That gives Mikko a wide perspective through the business field.
11.30 Lunch break, included
12.30 – 15.00 Keynote & Workshop BUSINESS PLAN BY EMU
Tuomo Rantanen has helped hundreds of companies and entrepreneurs to succeed over 15 years. Hi’s driver and strength is a genuine interest in the people behind the companies. If you are uncertain about your company’s ownership, finance, economy, processes, or legislation Tuomo is the right person to talk about these things.
We reserve the right to make changes
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