Encounter 3/2024




Merkkaa kalenteriin


klo 09:00 - 15:00


Kuja Lahti Aleksanterinkatu


Encounter is an open and free event for all interested in start-up businesses and business development generally. Event is in english. 

Register here

8.45 Doors open, coffee served
9.00 Keynote & Workshop: FINANCE TOMI VIRTANEN 

From corporation to startup, crowdfunding!

Tomi inspires and excites people with his stories and experiences from the startup world. Tomi’s background is in more formal circles; from the School of Economics to the boardrooms of the Chamber of Commerce and then to an executive position in a development company. Until finally, passion prevailed and the startup world called. The sharing economy and platform economy are natural ways for Tomi to conduct business.

He also has impressive experience in crowdfunding: four different campaigns, with three significant successes and one failure. The journey began with an initial campaign of 10,000 euros, reached a million, and then went back down. The first implemented crowdfunding was for a book sharing entrepreneurship stories through reward-based funding. Since then, all crowdfunding efforts have been equity-based, and the list includes both a seed round for a startup company and an IPO for a venture capital firm. Each with their own unique characteristics.

11.30 Lunch break, included

12.30 -15-00 Keynote & Workshop PITCHING + SPEAKING by NIINA SAINIUS:

Now it’s your turn to shine on stage!

Performing with impact is a skill that everyone can learn! In this training, you’ll get to try insightful exercises on your own and in pairs to learn clear, easy-to-remember techniques for effective performance, especially in pitch situations.

As your skills improve, the performance anxiety will ease. If performing situations stress you out too much, this training will give you several tips for activating and relaxing both your mind and body.

You will also learn how to use performance support materials and slides, and how to use body language and non-verbal communication to reinforce your message.

Performance coach Niina Sainius has coached tens of thousands of professionals and numerous start-ups over the past 20 years. You can find out more about Niina at www.esiintymisvalmennus.fi or on social media such as @Esiintymiskoutsi_Sainius.

Deadline for registration 28.8.2024
Only the first 50 get in. Members come first.

Thanks to our financiers this event is free of charge, but in the case of an uninformed no-show You accept that You are billed 50 €

Register here